Data Protection: Personal data supplied on this form will be held on computer and will be used in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation. The information you provide will be used for statistical analysis, management, planning and the provision of services by the county council and its partners. Leicestershire County Council will not share any personal information collected in this survey with its partners. The information will be held in accordance with the council’s records management and retention policy. Information which is not in the ‘About you’ section of the questionnaire may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You can learn more about how, why and what information we use to support or provide specific services by going to the Adult Social Care Fair Processing Notice.
Data Protection: Personal data supplied on this form will be held on computer and will be used in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation. The information you provide will be used for statistical analysis, management, planning and the provision of services by the county council and its partners. Leicestershire County Council will not share any personal information collected in this survey with its partners. The information will be held in accordance with the council’s records management and retention policy. Information which is not in the ‘About you’ section of the questionnaire may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You can learn more about how, why and what information we use to support or provide specific services by going to the Adult Social Care Fair Processing Notice.